Happy Family Chinese Food

Chinese vegetarian restaurant opened in Costa Mesa and I knew nothing of it! My friend told me the other day, and I was there the next afternoon for lunch. I went to their sister site in Rowland Heights and enjoyed our meals there , but it's a 40-minute drive , I'm not willing to do it often.happy family chinese food

happy family chinese food
chinese happy family  When I was a kid , a friend of my mother was a strict Buddhist vegetarian . We invited the Buddhist temple during special ceremonies to attend these vegetarian meals prepared by Buddhist nuns . These trips feared by evil pasty taste food last had to eat .happy family chinese food

happy family chinese food Experience in Hong Kong 20 years ago changed that. I was introduced to the truly innovative vegetarian cuisine , fresh, tasty , not soggy , mushy and tasteless in any way. After that , I was hooked !happy family chinese food

happy family chinese food With over 100 dishes on the menu of the happy family, the options are limitless . Lunch specials run daily , prices range between $ 6.95 and $ 7.95 , which includes soup and a selection of bread (steamed or fried ) or rice ( white or brown ) .happy family chinese food

happy family chinese food Tofu and eggplant are two things that I cook regularly, but not together. Here , tofu and eggplant pot includes rich soy sauce with basil leaves for its aroma . " Chicken" nuggets are popular among children and adults , and the chips are gluten fried with basil leaves and slices of pepper to give extra touch. Make chili soy sauce dip these tasty morsels in.happy family chinese food

chinese happy family Stir -Fried Tofu and "pig " is my favorite Chinese son . The pork substitute, gluten based , not exactly like pork seasonings texturally but will make you forget that.chinese happy family

chinese happy family Spicy noodles are actually glass noodles traditionally use dried shrimp and ground pork , but here the proteins are replaced by pieces of chopped mushrooms and other vegetables. It was a little bland for me, but nothing a little soy sauce can not fix.chinese happy family

chinese happy family The service is good , the food is delicious and plentiful, and reasonably priced . No need to be vegetarian to love food .chinese happy family